SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition. Arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subject's body, with an approximate length of 1.5 meters each. Skin is mostly devoid of pigmentation, with no sign of any body hair.[1]
Found in Operation Blind Eye SCP-096 is passive by default. However, when you see its face for even just a fraction of a second or in the corner of your screen, your character will say one of 3 text lines, for example: "OVERWATCH I'M GOING DOWN, I REPEAT I SAW IT FACE" to OVERWATCH, who will say one of 3 text lines like "There's nothing you can do. I'm sorry." After some time, SCP-096 will run to you to kill you, and you can do nothing to delay/prevent it. Also, you can't be revived after SCP-096 kills you.
Fortunately, there is one way you can look at SCP-096 without it being enraged, which is SCRAMBLE gear that you obtain from a crate on the way to the camp where SCP-096 is found. Press N to activate it when you catch a glimpse of it. 096's face would be blanked out in a distortion. It should prevent you from enraging SCP-096. Unfortunately, The SCRAMBLE gear has a charge that slowly depletes while it is activated. If it is fully depleted, the SCRAMBLE gear will overheat and thus turn off, which can be fatal if you're bagging/observing SCP-096. While recontaining 096, hold Spacebar to bag SCP-096 if your right next to it and have SCRAMBLE gear on. If you can't find SCP-096, you can use SCRAMBLE which might somehow detect it, allowing you to get to it and attempt recontainment. If you get close to SCP-096, the goggles will start to beep like "beep beep beep". The closer you get to it, the faster and louder it beeps, eventually arriving at a rapid and loud beeping like "BEEP BEEP BEEP" if you are observing its face and are right next to it.
(Side note: The SCRAMBLE charge depletes really fast, so you'd have to be right next to it if you even want to try to bag/recontain it. Also, 096 might glitch and become unbaggable/impossible to recontain while being stuck in a permament range state, which would softlock the game, sadly.)