Task Force Wiki

OVERWATCH is the first character you meet in the experience. In the plot, he is presumably an MTF Overseer or a Coordinator in the Tactical Operations Command. In experience, He always stays close and maintains contact with Mobile Task Force squads that execute high-level missions. OVERWATCH has been with the operatives throughout the whole experience and helps them by giving with valuable information regarding objectives. It is later revealed that OVERWATCH was an executive in the UNGOC, implying that he is not working for the UNGOC, the UNGOC is working for him, thus betraying the foundation.

Of Particular note of his character, he has an Eyepatch on his left eye, which indicate he was injured during combat, but in the Cutscene of the Final Cutscene of SCP: Task Force, he was scene without his eyepatch, reading a folder saying 'Project Redemption'.


Operation Red Skies[]

OVERWATCH has been tasked with overseeing Operation Red Skies executed by Epsilon-11 operatives. During the mission, OVERWATCH is presented as the head of the mission and overseer of the squad. For new players, OVERWATCH gives valuable information about the experience itself. He keeps contact with the operatives for the lore and informs them of tasks, directions, mission status, and player status. He is also the first person to inform the squad about SCP-939 instances in the delivery sector.

Operation Black Nightmare[]

OVERWATCH was again tasked with overseeing an operation, this time the crucial Operation Black Nightmare. He was tasked by O5 Command to oversee a small group of Alpha-1 elite operatives that had to rescue O5-4 from the hands of Chaos Insurgency. During the mission, he keeps the operatives on strict rules to engage any enemies trying to hurt O5-4. The mission is a success, and the trusty OVERWATCH continues his mission as a Coordinator for his trustworthy operatives.

Operation Clean Out[]

OVERWATCH was once again tasked with overseeing Operation Clean Out. He was overseeing a group of Beta-7 operatives that had to serve as a clean-up crew for Site-17 after the Chaos Insurgency used the weapon SCP-008 to infect a major foundation site. The operatives needed to eliminate all instances of SCP-008 on the site. They also needed to secure any survivors and eliminate any abandoned insurgents. When the squad arrives, OVERWATCH tells them that the side entrance of the site should be down the hill. He also informs them that the spores grown on the site slow them down and also tells them that they can be destroyed. The squad later has a flashforwards scene and then reports it to OVERWATCH. OVERWATCH tells them to stop talking about it or asking questions and then tells them to immediately get a psychological evaluation after completing the operation. After the squad reached the ventilation room and shut it down, the operation was a success.

Operation Blind Eye[]

OVERWATCH is again tasked with overseeing Operation Blind Eye. He was overseeing a group of ETA-10 "See No Evil" in the depths of the Arctic to locate and re-contain SCP-096 after a breach at a nearby site. The operatives need to clear an enemy safehouse and locate the whereabouts of SCP 096. On their way, they encounter heavy artillery coming from a tunnel, where a member of SIGMA-9 comes in and wipes out the artillery. From there, the SCRAMBLE gear is sent out near a hill. From there, they locate a small camp and move in to re-contain SCP-096, where the mission will be a success.


  • If you Play Entry Point (A Game made by Freefall Softworks), you might know that Overwatch's personality in Disavowed: Paper Trail matches Jackdaw's background.
    • Like how Jackdaw ambushes a returning Halcyon Van, OVERWATCH terminates the Player with no sense of sparing.
  • Overwatch is the only character that has a reworked avatar (2024-10-13)