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Containing anomalies is the goal of the SCP foundations, After an Anomaly is found by the foundation, They research it and gives it an SCP Classification, In a Containment Breach, Potentially harmful SCPs escape from their containment, As a Mobile Task Force operative it is your job to re-contain them, But as a Mobile Task Force operative you must have intel upon these Anomalous Objects, Here you can gather as much intel you'd like. Anomalies are classified in 5 main classifications, Safe, Euclid, Keter, Thaumiel and Apollyon, Although you will be only dealing with the first 3.
Operation Red Skies
"SCP-939 are endothermic, pack-based predators which display atrophy of various systems similar to troglobitic organisms. The skins of SCP-939 are highly permeable to moisture and translucent red, owing to a compound chemically similar to hemoglobin. SCP-939 average 2.2 meters tall standing upright and weigh an average of 250 kg, though weight is highly variable. Each of their four limbs end in three-fingered claws with a fourth, opposable digit, and are covered in setae which considerably augment climbing ability." |
Operation Black Nightmare
"SCP-008 is a complex prion, samples of which are stored in each of the known G2 sites. Research into SCP-008 is highly classified and primarily aimed at preventing research which may lead to the synthesis of SCP-008 in the distant future." |
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